Using Blockchain for Supply Chain Transparency: Fad or Future?

When talking about technological innovations that could revolutionize agricultural value chains, one term comes up time and again: the blockchain. However, the term also creates a lot of confusion and questions in people’s minds: What is it? How is it different from Bitcoin? What can it be used for? And how far we are in … Continue reading Using Blockchain for Supply Chain Transparency: Fad or Future?

When Is Hug A Farmer Day? Of Farmers’ Mental Health and Suicide

The other day, I was researching health externalities of our current food system and came across a shocking statistic: In many countries in the world, farmers are more than twice as likely as the general population to commit suicide. They are frequently cited as the occupational group most likely to have suicidal thoughts and follow through … Continue reading When Is Hug A Farmer Day? Of Farmers’ Mental Health and Suicide

The Hardest Job Of All

Who has the hardest job in the coffee value chain? Is it the farmer, who has to create just the right growing conditions for each single coffee plant, countering unpredictable climate, droughts and deluges, pests and diseases and an uncertain economic future year after year? The processor, who has to balance the orders he gets from … Continue reading The Hardest Job Of All