Organic Farming and Climate-Smart Agriculture – A Complicated Relationship

When working in international politics, you realize that efforts to improve (or, I daresay, save) the world revolve around buzzwords. Clearcut visions and concepts are required to form alliances, formulate action plans and (most importantly!) pledge political and financial support. In agriculture, it seems we have passed ‘green’ (too reminiscent of the green revolution and its … Continue reading Organic Farming and Climate-Smart Agriculture – A Complicated Relationship

Of Mangoes and Chocolate…

Hey hey, just popping in after two suuuper interesting conference days – of which I will soon share the contents! Until then, and because my eyes are getting all droopy after a long day, let me share the following with you: 1. A video about how (sustainable) mango is made: [vimeo width=”660″ height=”386″] 2. … Continue reading Of Mangoes and Chocolate…

Rurban Africa: Challenges in Modernization

Another day, another lunch seminar. This time, though, with scientists! They presented a project called “RurbanAfrica“. The research questions included the following: Will agricultural modernization stimulate rural income generation? Is rural-urban migration a major development challenge? What is the relationship between rural-city connections and poverty dynamics? They have only just started their project, and thus presented … Continue reading Rurban Africa: Challenges in Modernization

Who Gets The Money? On Helping Africa To Feed Itself – in the US.

Philanthropy is an interesting concept. Here is one person, or a board of people, with more money to distribute than small nations have budgets. If they choose to concentrate on a topic, their impact can be immense and drive research, NGO actions and government policies in the direction of their liking because of the financial … Continue reading Who Gets The Money? On Helping Africa To Feed Itself – in the US.