Onto Greener Pastures – Recap of "Holy Cow!" Holistic Management Event

Sooooo guess who I had the honor to hear speak yesterday? Allan Savory! [ted id=1683] He is the founder of the Savory Institute and a man on a mission to convince the world that livestock could be the solution to, not the cause of, land degradation and desertification. His TED-talk here is a perfect representation … Continue reading Onto Greener Pastures – Recap of "Holy Cow!" Holistic Management Event

Dirt! The Movie (A Review)

Have you ever looked at mud stuck in your shoes or splashed on the back of your car and cursed it for making your belongings dirty? Watch this movie and I assure you it will change your mindset about this most valuable resource that sustains all life on Earth.

Our Green Planet

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6gUnXpBMfyI] We live in a world with a wealth of information at our fingertips, and more and more frequently even extraordinary ways in which this information can be presented. Case in point is this video: it showcases data gathered by satellites on the “greenness” of our planet from 2012 to 2013. Check it out and … Continue reading Our Green Planet

This is a great example for the fact that not all livestock is created equal – and that extensification, not intensification, of livestock production could address future land, climate and food issues concurrently.