“In the long run, we are all dead” – Some thoughts on coffee macroeconomics and possible countercyclical action

This is part of a multi-part blog series following up on my talk at the SCA’s Re:Co Symposium. In my talk, inter alia I argued that differentiation strategies may not be enough to solve fundamental macroeconomic issues; rather, I called for a holistic ‘sprinkler solution’ to the ‘macro-economic fire’ the sector is facing. This blog … Continue reading “In the long run, we are all dead” – Some thoughts on coffee macroeconomics and possible countercyclical action

Using Blockchain for Supply Chain Transparency: Fad or Future?

When talking about technological innovations that could revolutionize agricultural value chains, one term comes up time and again: the blockchain. However, the term also creates a lot of confusion and questions in people’s minds: What is it? How is it different from Bitcoin? What can it be used for? And how far we are in … Continue reading Using Blockchain for Supply Chain Transparency: Fad or Future?

Film review: Okja

Hey readers – It’s been a while! While I cannot promise to be back to a regular blogging schedule, I think I might revive this little corner of the internet, also as a regular writing practice now that my main focus will be thesis research/writing. I am hoping to bring some of the academic thoughts … Continue reading Film review: Okja

When Is Hug A Farmer Day? Of Farmers’ Mental Health and Suicide

The other day, I was researching health externalities of our current food system and came across a shocking statistic: In many countries in the world, farmers are more than twice as likely as the general population to commit suicide. They are frequently cited as the occupational group most likely to have suicidal thoughts and follow through … Continue reading When Is Hug A Farmer Day? Of Farmers’ Mental Health and Suicide

Too Big to be Challenged? Consolidation in the Global Agrochemical World

I’ve been thinking a lot about power lately. Market power, to be precise. The coffee industry has always been relatively concentrated, but currently it is undergoing a period of consolidation that is reverberating across the sector. And it’s not alone: one of the most surprising news stories in recent weeks has been the announced $66 billion … Continue reading Too Big to be Challenged? Consolidation in the Global Agrochemical World

North and South American Food Links (Link Roundup)

This week there has been some seriously great writing about under-the-radar topics that concern food and agriculture, but provide more general insights on the links between countries, sectors and people. I always enjoy link roundups from the blogs and newsletters I follow to get a peek into their reading lists; I hope you will, too! Drought … Continue reading North and South American Food Links (Link Roundup)