It’s been quiet around here. Though I’ve been writing for other outlets, and in my day job, not much of that work has found its way on this page. And that’s too bad, because of course it all goes into the same direction. So today I’m happy to share one result very close to my heart:
Home-Grown Hunger, an article I wrote for GUTS Magazine.
In it, I present conversations with Andi Sharma, a researcher and social justice activist working on food sovereignty of Indigenous and disadvantaged groups in Canada’s North, as well as an Indigenous youth leading a gardening project and the work of Food Secure Canada. Though it doesn’t look that extensive, this is the culmination of around 8 weeks of back-and-forth, several hours of interviews, and four or five revisions. Definitely makes me appreciate all the great long-form writing that is available for free on the internet!
Thanks for letting me know what you think and have a happy weekend!