When I was grocery shopping yesterday evening, I came across this little symbol in the middle of the cereal aisle:
Yup, not only does my grocery store offer free wifi (perfect for those of us without 3G networks to look up the recipes we wanted to make and the requisite ingredients), it also encourages shoppers to use this service to inform themselves about Fairtrade products (on the bottom it says “scan the QR code with your phone and visit Fairtrade’s website). I guess we could consider this one more tiny step toward consumer education? I actually have a lot of thoughts on this issue (how responsible are consumers and how much can or should we influence their choices), I hope to get them written down over the weekend!
In other news, today is kanelbullens dag – cinnamon roll day in Sweden! These little delicacies are ubiquitous in Swedish fika (coffee and cake) culture, and so I guess it is only appropriate that they get their own little national holiday. For somebody used to Cinnabon-type North American cinnamon rolls, these ones are surprisingly spicy and burst with flavor. I also already sampled kardemummabullen as well – cardamom rolls – and they don’t disappoint either. According to (Swedish) Wikipedia, the day was started in 1999 to “draw attention to Sweden’s rich sweet roll culture, with special emphasis on the cinnamon roll“. Love it.

It’s great they are trying to inform customers of what they are purchasing! This sort of info should be more accessible to customers.
I was in Sweden this time last week, happy cinnamon roll day, they smelled so delicious! 🙂