Yesterday, I had the nicest surprise waiting for me in a comment: I found that Alen from Food: Digested had nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award! Thanks again, Alen, it’s such an honour to be recognized!
Alen blogs about very similar issues as me, and adds in great insight from a nutritionist’s perspective, as well as interesting research findings. Make sure to check out Food: Digested, it was one of the first blogs I followed!
Anyway, so what is the deal with this award? It originated in 2010 in Germany (“Liebster” means “my favorite” in German) and is intended to recognize small blogs with less than 200 followers – basically giving bloggers a chance to link their readers to other great bloggers and make them appreciate all the great work out there.
Thus, it’s a great tool to let readers discover more blogs in your area of interest and to show appreciation to blogs you read regularly – yay for the blogging community!
The rules are easy:
- Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog
- Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you
- Copy and paste the blog award on your blog
- Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed
- Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog
Thus, for my part of passing the torch, I would like to nominate:
- Food Governance
- Thought+Food
- Center for a Livable Future Blog (they might actually have many more followers, if WordPress is lying to me… But they are awesome so I hope they don’t mind)
- Fair Food Field Notes
- World Wanderer
What I love about this concept is that it’s a Ponzi scheme in the best of ways – going back to the person who nominated you, you can find 4 more blogs that are awesome and write about similar issues, and then going forward through them there are literally thousands of baby blogs like yours truly that can be discovered this way. I would definitely recommend you head on over to my five nominations and check out their writings – happy reading!
Thank you for this. I’m now following 4 blogs that I hadn’t found before.
This is how I e-met you