The Safe Space for Food and Climate

[youtube=] This is an interesting take on the interplay between food production and climate change. The video defines a ‘safe space’ defined by the boundaries on how much food we need, how much food we can produce at given levels of climate change, and how that increased food production will further affect climate change.

The Pleasures of Eating

“The Pleasures of Eating” is a powerful, poetic essay by Wendell Berry. Published in 1990, – 23 years ago! – it is more relevant than ever in today’s society, and so well written that I would just encourage everybody to head on over and read it. Since it’s a little long, I’ll sketch out some … Continue reading The Pleasures of Eating

This is a great example for the fact that not all livestock is created equal – and that extensification, not intensification, of livestock production could address future land, climate and food issues concurrently.

A Genius Idea for Gender, Climate Change Resilience and Food Security

Yesterday I went to a really inspiring event put on by the GIZ under the topic of “Gender, Climate Change and Food Security”, which highlighted different aspects of how gender (in)equality can be highlighted in climate change negotiations and how women are affected by the challenges of adapting rural self-sufficient farming communities to the future … Continue reading A Genius Idea for Gender, Climate Change Resilience and Food Security

Meatless Monday – A Success Story?

As the Coursera course “Introduction to the U.S. Food System” draws to a close (so sad, it was great!), the staff highlighted a great initiative in their last set of lectures – the story behind Meatless Monday!

Even one meatle…

Even one meatless day a week – a Meatless Monday, which is what we do in our household – if everybody in America did that, that would be the equivalent of taking 20 million mid-sized Sedans off the road. Michael Pollan talking about Meatless Monday, an idea that has been taking the health and environmental … Continue reading Even one meatle…

Humankind has n…

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. Chief Seattle