"Pester Power" and Oreo Cookie Counting Books

This TED-talk is a great follow-up to the debate on childhood obesity I wrote about a couple of days ago. It gives a compelling argument why children should be, as the presenter puts it, “none of the food marketers’ business.” [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0bop3D7-dDM#!] I was particularly struck by how ubiquitous food advertisement to children in the US is, … Continue reading "Pester Power" and Oreo Cookie Counting Books

The Liebster Blog Award

Yesterday, I had the nicest surprise waiting for me in a comment: I found that Alen from Food: Digested had nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award!  Thanks again, Alen, it’s such an honour to be recognized!

Unorthodox Solutions to Combat Childhood Obesity – the Freakonomics Brainstorm

If you find 37 minutes time in the next couple of days, I can only recommend that you listen to one of the latest episodes of the Freakonomics podcast, called “100 Ways to Fight Obesity“. It is an episode built out of the recording of a brainstorming session that features some of the most well-known … Continue reading Unorthodox Solutions to Combat Childhood Obesity – the Freakonomics Brainstorm

After the Tsunami – Which Way Forward for Japanese Agriculture?

After Japan was hit by an earthquake, a tsunami and a nuclear meltdown in 2011, it was clear that recovery would take a while. This was particularly true in the agricultural sector of the coastal regions affected by the catastrophe, where rubble- and sea water-soaked soils made planting nearly impossible. Overall, irrigation canals, roads and … Continue reading After the Tsunami – Which Way Forward for Japanese Agriculture?

How Much Are 2,000 Calories?

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=rgaqwFPU7cc] This entertaining video (originally highlighted by Buzzfeed) shows what 2,000 calories looks like in a variety of foods. Why 2,000 calories? Because that is the average recommended daily caloric need of a person to maintain their weight, and what the calculations on food labels (referring to the percentage of daily value) are based on. … Continue reading How Much Are 2,000 Calories?