Switzerland Hosts a Cow Marathon – and other Fun Facts about Swiss Agriculture

11 thoughts on “Switzerland Hosts a Cow Marathon – and other Fun Facts about Swiss Agriculture”

  1. I love the idea of the cow marathon! This is an interesting post, in the UK, we don’t hear much about Swiss producer subsidies, or Swiss agriculture at all really.Thanks for the insight.

    1. I think it’s assumed that since they are such a tiny country their system doesn’t really matter for the global market, but in terms of comparing country approaches it’s a fascinating case study! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. That advert is lovely and the cow marathon a great idea to highlight the fact that cows can roam around…I grew up in Italy and so I’m used to thinking about cows as simply eating around a field and avoiding their poos 😛 it’s sad so many people never get to see them like that and don’t even realise how they actually live 🙁
    I think it’s understandable that the Swiss farming system can cost so much to taxpayers, I guess if there’s such a focus and pride in your own country’s farming system then it feels like perhaps you are investing in something that will benefit you too…

    1. And I guess that it does benefit them too in terms of tourism and their image, right? Imagine a vacation in Switzerland without cheese-making and cow-watching – it wouldn’t be the same…
      Thanks for commenting!

  3. I don’t know where you are living now, but I think you’d be very interested in the American agricultural system. I’m American and have just read the book “The Omnivore’s Dilemma,” which is about American agriculture. Very, very few of our farms are like the ones you describe in this article. They are more like factories in which cows, pigs and chickens are confined tightly in packed cages and there are very few real pastures. It’s very sad, and very unhealthy for the animals and for us.

    I wish the American system was more like the Swiss system, but I don’t know if it’s ever going to change.

    1. Hey Tanya, “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” is so good, isn’t it? And eye-opening. I’ve actually read a lot about the US system (where farms are called concentrated animal feeding operations, for instance) and it’s heartbreaking.

        1. Well there are grassroots alternatives springing up all over the country, and I think the US has a much stronger debate (at least) about these issues than Europe does, so hopefully? At least there are more and more options (e.g. organic, grassfed, farmers’ markets, CSAs) available for consumers, if they will ‘vote with their dollars’ incremental change is definitely possible!

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